Friday, June 19, 2009

Officially a Mom...

So, I believe it is safe to say I'm officially a mom. Sure the whole giving birth thing kind of already makes me a mother, but I think getting vomited on officially makes me a mom. I had no idea what gross and disgusting things you must go through as a mom and you never think twice about it. For example...examining poop. Who would have thought that one would have so much to say on the subject?!?! And that one

would actually celebrate and cheer about poop...when your little one (in our case little ones) is screaming bloody murder due to gas you may find yourself doing a little dance when you change a dirty diaper. Life sure has changed. My day used to consist of discussing weekend I discuss the color, consistency and frequency of poop.

Also, I never thought I would pick another person's disgusting right? Well, I can now check that off of the lists of things to do as a mom. Sure they give you the nose sucker thingy at the hospital, but it doesn't always do the trick...that's when you just have to dig for it yourself. Aiden seems to produce quite a few boogers...I have a feeling he may end up being a nose picker.
Other things I never saw happening to me…getting vomited on. Luckily at this stage we are only dealing with formula…I’m sure the real fun begins when they start on solid foods. I didn’t realize that someone so small could actually give the exorcist a run for its money when it came to vomit…boy was I wrong. Don’t be fooled by the small size of babies…they manage to work wonders when fluid is involved. Word to the wise, don’t hold a baby directly in front of you immediately after feeding them…oh and don’t open your mouth in shock. Let’s just say I learned this lesson the hard way…so take my word for it.

Having a baby boy also poses another challenge…changing a diaper without getting peed on. And Aiden sure does have quite a stream…he has managed to pee on me, the wall and the floor all at the same time. So, I’m sure your thinking why doesn't she just cover him up when changing him…well I do. But inevitably when I remove the wipe that I am covering him with he pees…perfect timing.

I am sure my gross adventures are only beginning and there are many more unexpected things ahead of me…and us, so stay tuned. However, the gross happenings are far out weighed by all of the amazing experiences you have as a mom.

Attached is a picture of the twins at 7 weeks. They are getting so big so fast!


Meg, Kane, Taylor & Aiden

Monday, May 25, 2009

Once Upon a Time...

In a land not too far away in a town called Orlando a Fairy Princess and a Dragon were born. Princess Taylor is the fairest princess in all of the land and smiles all day long. Her brother the Dragon (AKA Aiden) makes red squishy faces all day and growls. He seems to be a little temperamental and hates to be messed with, but he sure is cute.

For those of you that don't know the story I delivered Taylor and Aiden on April 27, 2009 at 6:41am. They were born 4 seconds apart...they were both eager to greet the world. I ended up having an emergency c-section due to my high blood pressure. I woke up on the 26th at 11:30pm with a horrible headache and my face and ears were hot. I took my blood pressure and it was 159/100...yikes!! I took it 3 more times and it was still extremely high, so I called the after hours nurse who called my dr and off to the hospital we went. I was very fortunate that my OBGYN was on call and waiting on us when we arrived. We would have delivered the babies as soon as I arrived at the hospital, but on the way to the hospital I ate a granola bar and had some water...I was starving. Clearly I was in denial about delivering the babies that day since I ate on the 5 minute ride to the hospital. Kane and I both thought that I would just be admitted into the hospital and deliver later that week...on no that was not the case. Since I did have a little snack on the way to the hospital we had to wait 6 hours before they could do the c-section, so at 6:41am our little ones were born. Aiden was born first and weighed 5lbs 8oz and Taylor weighed 6lbs 2oz.

We are now all home and getting settled. The twins were 4 weeks yesterday (Memorial Day) and doing great. They are busy eating and gaining weight...I wish I were losing weight. I will say that I am not sure my stomach will ever be the same...Kane is optimistic as a good husband should be...I say keep lying to me it is good for the self image. I still can't believe these little guys were inside of me just chillin' for 8 1/2 wonder I measured 46 weeks pregnant when I was only 35 weeks and 3 days when I delivered. I will say surprisingly I only have 12 lbs to go before I am back to my prebaby weight...unfortunately I have more jiggly bits now.

Kane and I are doing great. He is an amazing Dad and has surprisingly changed more than his fair share of diapers...including poo ones. I do have to say I have heard a few "Oh my God's" being yelled from the nursery when Kane is in charge of changing...I just sit a laugh. Also, we have all gotten peed on by Aiden (including the wall and the floor). That boy has quite a stream. We are having fun adventures in Baby Land and loving every minute of it.

We can't wait for everyone to meet the twins. We love our little family. And we are happy to report that Luke has adjusted to the twins as if we could just get him to bark less.

Well, it is time to feed a baby, so I must go...


Meg, Kane, Taylor and Aiden

PS - The picture attached is of the babies at the hospital in their going home outfits.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Is that a beach ball, a bean bag or my belly?

Ah yes it is my ever growing belly. I never imagined that my stomach could possible stretch this much, but boy was I wrong. At 7 months I was so arrogant and thought ha I don't have a single stretch mark, but my dream was quickly shattered a week later. I now realize I had stretch marks all along, but I just couldn't see them - damn mirrors! I have now given into the fight and realize that my stomach is just never going to be the same after carrying twins. Thank goodness I am not opposed to plastic if we only had the money.

So the twins will be here in just a few short weeks (and possibly any day now) and I have never been so ready to have my body back or what's left of it. I did, however, read that after the babies are born I am still going to look 5-6 months pregnant, so I imagine that being a woman with twins it is quite possible I will still look 9 months pregnant. Hell at 6 months pregnant I had people saying I must be due any day now....ah people can be so kind.

How does the old TV campaign go... "The more you read the more you know" I say bullsh*t. The more I've read the less I WANT to know. I like the philosophy that ignorance is bliss. I keep reading and the books have become like train wrecks I can't look away from. Do I really need to know that my new borns are going to need to feed 8-12 times a day...EACH?!?!? Just pull up a milk jug and call me Bessie. I know these books are meant to prepare you, but they all just manage to give me the giant belly I am carrying around isn't making me anxious enough. Oh, I imagine that some of the reading I have done is a good thing, but some of the facts could have been left out - for example do I need to read a description of the babies' first poops. They describe the first one as black and the ones there after as mustard and seedy...yuk is all I have to say!! So please do not pass the Grey Poupon my way anytime soon.

So, we packed my bag for the hospital and will be putting the car seats in the car this weekend. All of these happenings are definitely starting to make me realize that these little guys have to come out. I mean I have known for 8 1/2 months now that they will have to come out, but packing the hospital bag and getting the car seats has made it all too real. I have now become obsessed with googling c-sections and what to expect (note to self: don't ever do this). I have had surgery before, but I think it is the being awake part that is freaking me out. I know I will be numb, but still being awake and having my intestines hanging out in a dish until they get the babies out safely is a little freaky to me. Again, some details no one needs to know.

Luckily Kane has been calm through all of this. His only phobia is poop, which he will quickly be getting over. Maybe I should buy him a gas mask for his first Father's Day present.

Well, it is quite possible that the next time I enter a blog Kane and I will be I guess don't hold your breath for an update anytime soon. I have a feeling it may be a while before I even turn on a computer once the babies arrive. Right now we know that she (Taylor) weighs 5lbs 8oz and he (Aiden) weighs (5lbs 6oz), so it looks like we are going to have nice and healthy twins. We will send out pictures once they are born.

Thanks for following our journey this far...stay tuned for the real fun to begin.


Megan, Kane, Taylor and Aiden

PS - The Picture of me is at 34 weeks and 3 days

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Can you say Cabin Fever ?!?!?!

Well, I am home bound these days and officially feeling like an incubator...just call me mother hen. I know this long and amazing journey will be well worth it in just a few weeks. It looks like our little ones have an agenda of their own - no shocker that they are arleady on their own schedule. I am fairly confident that we are in for it when they are teenagers....please start praying for us now. So, it looks like May 1st - ish will be their big debut, which will put me at 36 weeks. We were hoping I would make it to 38 weeks, but it doesn't look like that is going to happen. They will be a little premature, but should be in great shape. The doctor has already given me two steriod shots to help their lungs develop.

They each weigh pretty close to 4lbs already and are above average in size for twins...which would explain why I can't breath and feel like the Goodyear blimp. I wake up every hour on the hour now to venture to the bathroom. No need for night vision here...I have become quite the pro at navigating our house in the dark. I am also experiencing the joys of acid reflux. So, according to an old wives tale if you have a lot of acid reflux your babies will have a lot of hair...well watch out because I may be delivering chimps! So a good baby gift may be a shaving!

I am now truly convinced that all men are wimps because they don't have to go through pregnancy...they wouldn't make it past month 3. But I have to give credit to my fabulous hubby...he takes great care of me and never complains when I ask him to do anything. He has become a regular Mr. Mom. I definitely got lucky when I married him!

So, during my little visit to the hospital the ultrasound tech, Megan, was nice enough to do a 4D scan for us. Aiden cooperated, but Taylor wouldn't show us her face long enough to get a good picture. The 4D scan is looks like they both have chubby little cheeks.

So, it looks like I am finally 30 and knocked up! Greeting our little ones in just a few weeks makes saying hello to 30 much more exciting. I still can't believe that in 4 weeks or so Kane and I will be parents...YIKES!!!!!!!!!! I talk to the babies all of the time and remind them that we don't know what the hell we are doing, so we are going to need a little help from them too. This whole parenting thing is going to have to be a team effort.

Well, I am going to run and get a snack...what else would you expect a pregnant woman to do.

We love and miss everyone!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

No Catwoman here...Just Penguin!

These days I feel a lot like Danny Devito playing the Penguin in Batman...definitely NOT like Michelle Pfeiffer as the very svelte Catwoman! Yes, I am waddling and there is no stopping! I started waddling a couple of weeks ago and I am not really sure how it happened, but it has happened and I still have 2 or so months to go. I might have to rent a Lark Scooter before all of this is over...maybe I'll get a basket on the front of it to carry Luke around with me. I would definitely get places faster if I had a scooter, but I am pretty sure Kane wouldn't be seen with me. My wedding rings now longer fit either, so I just look knocked up. Oh the looks old ladies give me is they want to take me to church and save me! The best looks I got were when Kane ran to get me a cookie at the Magic game and I waited in line at the beer stand with our friends and bought a beer for about was great. It is amazing how people judge you without ever having said hello to you before.

I also feel like there is an alien invasion in my belly since the babies have started moving so much lately. We can't make out exactly which limb we are seeing, but we know they are either hands or feet moving across my belly...mainly from her since she is facing up, but he is facing down. I can't believe how strong they are getting. We went to the Dr. on February 23rd and she weighs 2 lbs 7oz and he weighs 2 lbs and 5oz. We will go for another ultra sound on March 23rd (3 days before my 30th bday...yikes!) and we know they will definitely weigh over 3 lbs maybe even 4. They are starting to be quite the little load to carry around. I am measuring as if I am full term (if I were carrying one), so the pregnancy is getting harder for sure. Luckily I will start working from home 4 or so days a week starting tomorrow...I love my company! The doctor has put me on partial bedrest and I can't really walk or I should really say waddle long distances anymore...see this is why I need the!

The babies' room is coming along and I will post pictures soon. For this posting I have included some shower pictures from New Orleans and a picture of me at 27 weeks. Next week I will officially be 7 time sure does fly! We had an amazing time at the shower, but remind me never to wear panty hose while pregnant ever again. Kane had to help me put about hysterical!

The count down to May continues...anyone placing bets on when I'll deliver? I'll help you out the doctor says it will be any where between May 1 and May 16, which will be between 36-38 weeks.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Look Spaghetti Arms...

OK, yes the above title is a reference to the movie Dirty Dancing...I am sure most of you women got the reference. Anyway, the quote goes like this... "Look, spaghetti arms. This is my dance space. This is your dance space. I don't go into yours, you don't go into mine." I have a feeling a very similar conversation is going on inside my belly. I am pretty sure there is a tug-o-war over space going on in their little world. Usually I feel one kick and then the hey you, stop it! It is the craziest feeling. They are either fighting over space or already practicing to be kick boxers.

And the growing continues...even my fabulous stretchy pants are becoming a little snug. Nothing is worse than needing to go up a size in elastic pants, but it may be inevitable. When you have to go up a size in stretchy pants something else also gets worse...snoring! Apparently I can suck the paint off of walls these days from the extra weight I am carrying around. I usually wake up one night a week with Kane in the guest bedroom...poor guy. He did buy ear plugs, but even those didn't work. Sometimes I even manage to run Luke off's bad when the dog leaves due to your snoring! I just keep telling myself that all of these strange happenings are for a very good cause.

We went to the doctor for another ultrasound on January 26th and learned that she weighs 1lb 5oz and he weighs 1lb 3oz. They are both ahead of schedule by 2-5 days, so that is good news. They seem to be right on track and apparently little piggies too. I am going to my regular OBGYN on February 12th for what I like to call the weigh in. Usually for my regular visits I get weighed in by an unhappy nurse...if you are weighing in women all day that way more than you wouldn't you be in a good mood...nope not her. At least I love my doctor. We typically just chat about any new symptoms I may have and what I can and can't do...the can't do list is much longer than the can do...oh well.

I would have posted the latest ultrasound pics, but the babies are getting so big that it is harder to make out images on the pictures they print for us. But I do assure you that Kane made them double check the sexes and we are happy to report there is definitely no mistake...still one boy and one girl! Let's just say Kane is already proud of his! The picture I attached is of me and the beach ball I am smuggling at 23 weeks. Hope to see you guys soon.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Magically Disappearing Belly Button

Well, as you can tell I am steadily growing and my belly button is slowly disappearing (21 weeks)! I wake up every morning and immediately check to see if I still have a belly button. Yes, I do realize this is an odd obsession; however you always hear about pregnancy stories, but you just never think they will happen to you. I have come to the harsh realization that nothing is to be unexpected during pregnancy. I am pretty sure I now have chubby knees...I mean come on is this really necessary to carry babies?? It takes a while to get used to, but during pregnancy your body is no longer your own. I also made the mistake of looking through old pictures...never a good idea when you're pregnant. What fat pregnant woman needs to see pictures of her "old" body?? Advice to you guys out there...hide the old photo me this is for your own good!

I am sure eventually I will have a blog titled Disappearing feet, but luckily I am not there yet. I told Kane he needs to start practicing painting toe nails...he was not amused...hahaha!

Hopefully I will have a picture of the Babies' room to put on the blog soon. Kane and Sue spent Saturday painting the room and Kane finished on Sunday. I have had a horrible cold, so I have not been much help in the painting department. However, I have gotten a few chuckles from the curse words I keep hearing Kane shout from the back room. Let's just say painting is not his favorite past time. It will be interesting to see what new words he invents when he starts putting together the baby furniture.

Stay tuned for more dos bebes adventures to come....